Neecia Majolly is the Founder – Director of the Neecia Majolly Centre for Performing
Arts, the Founder of alternative rock outfit’ The Majolly Project’ and the Founder-
Trustee of The Majolly Music Trust, who has emerged as one of the most dynamic
musical forces in India with international performances to her credit. With several music
and film awards for ‘The Majolly Project’, Neecia has had her musical education in
Brunei and Singapore and went on to do her degree in Music from the Western
Australian Conservatorium, Perth , besides being a concert pianist, singer/songwriter,
piano tutor, celebrity vocal coach, conductor and composer.
The Camerata (now MMT Choir), Madrigals, Etc. and Femusica (an all women’s
choir) have all earned a firm reputation in India for being unique in their choice of
repertoire and quality of presentation, including releasing the first ever Western Music
Classical album in the country in 2009 ‘the renaissance begins’.
The Majolly Music Trust itself has one of the finest faculties in the country imparting
music education in piano and voice studies besides having created a unique pension
fund for aged and infirm musicians.
Besides being former representative of the London College of Music Examinations in
Karnataka, Neecia is believed to be the first Indian Western Classical Pianist to have a
piano album, ‘Gold Coast Pure Spa’, released by Universal Audio, USA.
Neecia is empanelled in the Indian Council of Cultural Relations’ Reference Panel of
Artistes, and is also an Advisory Council Member of the Karnataka Artistes Association.
Bangalore, India