Home  /  2021  /  October

Developing tools and resources

‘What tools and resources do you seek to ensure your practice is equitable, fully inclusive to a range of people and groups, and enables you to meet responsibilities in the services you provide and the projects that you expect to deliver? The arts sector is awakening to the benefits of appropriate equality, diversity and inclusion practice and the need for ongoing improvement and innovation.

DAN is seeking to work with you to develop the most effective tools and resources that can enhance your EDI practice. The gathering on 28th October is to scope your ideas on what you would like developed and how we ensure these materials support you to strive to excellence in your work and services.’

This session will be led by Ruth Pitter who will be working with DAN to develop EDI resources for artists and cultural organisations. Ruth Pitter has worked for Voscur, a charity that provides support to the voluntary sector in Bristol. She is also an active founding member of Breathing Fire, Bristol’s black women’s playback theatre company – which was founded in 2006 and is the only black women’s playback theatre company in the world. She is also co-founder of ‘Our Stories Make Waves’ Bristol collective for artists of African Diaspora heritage.

Ruth has written for, performed in, produced and directed various productions. She works locally, nationally and internationally delivering interactive theatre with Breathing Fire in numerous settings, and runs extensive training in a range of interactive theatre techniques. Ruth also sings with Bristol Choral Society. She is excited to expand her repertoire wider with Black Women Let Loose Theatre Company.

Please do book early as numbers are limited. Look forward to seeing some of you then. We will send you a zoom link once you have registered.



Membership scheme

Diversity Arts Network is introducing a membership scheme from October 2021 where members will be able to access diversity resources, get 25% of our new Diversity Resource pack that we are currently developing, and also 25% on all DAN training sessions. As things return to a ‘new normal’ we would need to start charging for some of our activities which we have been able to offer free of cost till now due to Cultural Recovery Funding.

There will be 3 levels of membership :

Individual artists – £35

Organisations with an annual turnover of less than £100,000 – £65 (2 people can attend training sessions)

Organisations with a turnover of more than £100,000 – £125 (4 people can attend training sessions)

Besides this we will be able to offer free advise on an individual basis to members on diversity issues, funding and training which will be confidential. We will also continue to advertise job vacancies and other opportunities as well as information on our sessions to our full mailing list free of cost.

Please follow the link below to register:

DAN Membership Form


Development Manager position

Diversity Arts Network is looking for a free-lance Development Manager to take on the role of running the DAN membership scheme as well as working on our DAN training and networking sessions and contributing to our Diversity Resource Pack with our lead trainers and consultant on it. Please email us initially if you are interested in this role. More details on the link below.

DAN Development Manager position


Asian, black and middle-eastern singers, composers and instrumentalists wanted for a new south Asian and black opera/music theatre project.

Performance opportunities available.

Please email us directly with your details.



